Notre histoire · Ancêtres · Saint-Amand(t), aujourd'hui · Généalogie · Avis de décès

Avis de décès : M. Alexis "Alex" Alexandre St. Amant II (1947-04-28 - 2023-05-20)

Alex St. Amant was born on April 28, 1947, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, the youngest of the four children born to Philemon Andrews St. Amant and Corinne Lockamy St. Amant, and he died peacefully in his sleep at home on May 20, 2023.

Alex grew up in various places around the country and Germany, as his father was an officer in the United States Army before he retired in 1959 and the family returned to Baton Rouge. He graduated from the former Lee High School and Louisiana State University (for both undergraduate and Law School) where he met some life-long friends who never quite fell away, and who, along with the newer friends he met along the way, were always happy to come around for his annual crawfish boil, which was held every year around his birthday until the pandemic put a stop to such festivities. LSU was also where he met the love of his life, his wife of almost 55 years, Floris C. St. Amant, who lovingly cared for him throughout his life and particularly in his final illness.

As an attorney, Alex was an outlier in that he did not specialize. He took all kinds of cases, and he knew everything about all areas of the law. And what he didn’t know, he’d learn. We will not see his like again.

Alex is survived by his wife, by their three children, Chimène St. Amant, Sacha S. Tessier (Drew), and Alex A. St. Amant III (Ingrid), by his three grandchildren, Thomas L. Tessier, Sofia C. Tessier, and Alex A. St. Amant IV, by his brother, Colonel (US Army, Retired) Philemon A. St. Amant II (Harriet), and by numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, and by two sisters, Suzanne St. Amant Thomas Carson and Jeanne Yvette St. Amant Phillips Harvey.

Visitation will be held at Rabenhorst Funeral Home, 825 Government Street on May 30, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. until religious service at 11:00 a.m.


Il était le fils de Philemon A. St. Amant et de Corinne Lockamy; le petit-fils d'Alfred D. St. Amant et de Lucy Clifton Andrews; l'arrière-petit-fils de François St-Amant et de Sarah Lucy Haile. Il est un descendant de Bernard Daspit dit St-Amant.

Tous droits réservés. Association des familles St-Amand(t) (2025)